Giving and getting

In 24 Illinois counties, including all of the Chicago area, taxpayers contribute more to the state in taxes than what comes back in funding for programs and services. The other 78 counties, largely in southern and west central Illinois, get more from the state than their taxpayers pay in, says a study by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
The map below is interactive: Zoom in or out, and click or touch to see more.

Counties giving more than they get back, for every dollar paid to the state

Less than 31 cents.
32 to 68 cents.
69 to 99 cents.

Counties getting more than they give, for every dollar paid to the state

$1 to $2.16.
$2.17 to $6.
More than $6.



For all counties, amount in spending they receive per dollar in taxes paid. 1 would mean a county received $1 back per $1 paid.





